For over 30 years Steve Kuro has been creating art  with metals, glass, wood, and many other mediums.
For the past 5 years Steve has been working with old vacuum tubes. Finding new ways to bring them back into your homes. Some of these old tubes are works of art just by themselves. But with some imagination they can become a piece of art that will get the attention from your family and friends.
This is not a real bomb.
Please contact Steve Kuro for prices and more information about his artwork.
.9 more FF Bombs will be sold.
You can email Steve Kuro to be put on a list.
They will be sold on the order received.
Only one FF Bomb per person.

You will be sent the price and when your FF Bomb will be shipped.
Also pictures will be sent and  posted on this website.
Please contact Steve Kuro for prices and more information about his artwork.